Hosted Training

Do you want to provide training for your customers but lack the resources?

…I can help.

What is Hosted Training?

Hosted Training is a service I offer where I provide training services (either HazMat Employee or Hazardous Waste Personnel) to your customers.  You collect a fee from your customers and I collect a fee from you.

How Does Hosted Training Work?

You schedule, plan, and promote the event, you collect fees for attendance if you wish.  I provide the training content as I would at one of my Training Seminars.  You pay me one flat fee for my services and I benefit from more people seeing me and considering me for other training services.

How much does Hosted Training cost?

We will work out the cost between ourselves.  As long as I make an acceptable amount of money for my time and effort (refer to my costs for Onsite Training to get an idea).  I don’t mind if you make more money than me.  After all, you’re hosting the training, I just provide the content.

What does Hosted Training include?

Annual RCRA training for hazardous waste personnel

My training, your customers.

A variety of subjects related to the transportation of hazardous materials or the management of hazardous waste are available.

Potential topics include:

  1. How to identify and train your DOT HazMat Employees.
  2. The requirements of the DOT and the EPA for the off-site shipment of hazardous waste.
  3. Federal & State requirements for the management of hazardous waste.
  4. Training requirements of the EPA for Hazardous Waste Personnel
  5. On-site management of Used Oil.
  6. Determination of hazardous waste generator status.
  7. The top violations cited by the US DOT and the US EPA and how to avoid them.
  8. On-site management of Universal Waste.
  9. How to conduct a complete hazardous waste determination.

…And many more, just let me know what you’re interested in.

How do I schedule Hosted Training?

Contact me through the normal channels.  The more advance notice I have, the better.

What are advantages to Hosted Training?

  1. You pay one flat fee.
  2. As the host of the event you are free to frame or present it in any way that you wish.
  3. You may use the event to promote other services or products you offer.
  4. Any promotion on my part is passive.  Attendees are provided with business cards and an offer for further contact.  No marketing on my part.
  5. You are able to provide a professional service to your clients/customers/members you lacked before.
  6. You and I are partners for the training event, not competitors.